Who to Call to Get Rid of Bees?

Wasp Removal

You can call a pest control company, possibly a carpenter, or you can call a beekeeper to remove bee infestations. A carpenter won’t know how to properly remove the bees, and a pest control company will come and kill the bees, but they won’t remove the hive, comb, dead bees, honey. This will eventually create a disaster, leaving you with a huge mess, and most probably damage to your home – a lot of damage – that will require a lot of money to fix. So save yourself aggravation, time, and money and call the right people from the beginning to remove bee infestations. There are generally three types of beekeepers

  • The Hobbyist Beekeeper
  • The Part-Time Beekeeper
  • The Professional Beekeeper

The Hobbyist Beekeeper

This person is more than happy to come to your property and remove the bees to relocate to an apiary that they are building. Most hobbyist beekeepers are not licensed, nor are they insured, and most of them do not have construction experience. They probably won’t remove the hive, comb, and honey – but they may. They won’t bee proof your home, and you will just end up with another beehive.

The Part-Time Beekeeper

The part-time beekeeper removes bees from structures that have some knowledge of construction, but in all honesty, has limited experience, and may not be licensed, or insured. They are more concerned with retrieving the bees than they are in doing as little damage to the property as possible. Thus resulting in the destruction of the property, or ruining the property integrity.

The Professional Beekeeper

This beekeeper will be licensed, and a good company will also be insured. Professionals come with varying years of experience. There are always some worker bees who are out working when their hive is removed and relocated. Unfortunately, these strays don’t know where their community has moved, so they’ll try to re-establish in their old location. The insecticide is an unfortunate necessity to keep this from happening. A professional beekeeper will train their people in proper removal techniques, and they also abide by a set of standards, ethics, and integrity. They also use professional equipment, for example, Bee Removal Specialist employs the use of infrared cameras to locate the hive within a home or building. This camera lessens the damage done to the property.

Beekeeper Specialist   Mar 21, 2021

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