Bee extermination is a potentially dangerous job that's best left to professionals.
As a matter of fact, in most cases the bees won't even have to be exterminated at all ...
When you hire a professional beekeeper to address the situation, they will simply collect the bees into a bee vac or bee box, doing their best not to harm them, so they can be transferred to a local apiary. As bees play an important role in our environment and are crucial for the production of honey, this method of removal is always preferred.
But how can you tell the difference between just simple bees on your property and a serious bee problem? Here are some telltale signs that you need professional bee extermination right awa y
Bees are more than just a general annoyance - they're everywhere.
During the summer and late fall, when bee colonies reach their peak, you'll generally notice a lot more bees outside, especially if there is food nearby. Don't be alarmed - this is just a natural seasonal occurrence, and if there doesn't seem to be any danger, then you can simply wait for fall and winter, when the colonies will die off.
However, if you are being swarmed by an unusual number of bees, then this could be sign that there is a hive very close by, possibly on your house or in a tree. If the bees seem to be everywhere and you are concerned about being stung, it's best to call a professional bee extermination company who can survey the problem and identify where the hive is located.
Bees are inside your home.
If you're wondering how the bees seem to be constantly getting inside your home, chances are they actually live there. There could be a hive in your attic, within the walls, or in other spaces throughout your house. This is a good time to call an exterminator who specializes in hive removal.
A hive is located in a "busy" spot around your home.
When a hive is located in a spot where you or other family members constantly walk, play or conduct other activities, then there's an increased risk that someone will get stung. Although you may mean no harm to the bees, you could be perceived as a threat if you get too close, so it's best to play it safe and call for professional bee extermination .
Someone is allergic.
If you or someone in your family is allergic to bee stings, and you've spotted a hive close by, then don't take any chances. Hire a bee removal expert to remove the hive so no one gets hurts.
If you're ready to have a professional solve your bee problem, call the Bee Removal Specialist.
As professional beekeepers, we have vast experience in bee control, and we do our best to save the bees as much as possible, so we can transfer them to our own apiary or to another local beekeeper. We will also remove the hive entirely. Our customers love us because we're fast, professional, and we stand by our work 100%.
Call us today at (888) 664-3132 and let our experts solve your bee problem.
Yes, Dallas has the main branch office of Bee Removal Specialist company in Texas. And we do cover all the area.
The bee removal is done in all Dallas, TX and nearby cities. We have a coverage of 20 miles around Dallas, Texas.
Removing honeybees from a wall requires carpentry experience. A novice beekeeper can cause more damage than good if they are not experts in carpentry.
An experienced beekeeper will identify the location of the bees with an infrared camera, use a smoker to calm the bees, use a bee vacuum and other professional tools to remove the honeybees safely, extract the hive, clean the affected area, apply pesticide to deter honeybees from returning to the empty hive, fill the open area with insulation and replace the wall with the original material whenever is possible.
Trustworthy honeybee removal companies will have plenty of pictures. Choose a company that has more than just a few examples.
Because there are many species of bees, a beekeeper must have extensive knowledge of the different techniques to remove the bees safely and effectively.
Our company has 20 years in business. As a recommendation, make sure the company you´re hiring does have a valid business license, and have many years of experience in the bee removal field.
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